Sign Grand jury & congress petitions 👍🏻
Act Now: Sign This Petition To Convene a Special Grand Jury To Investigate the CDC’s Conduct During COVID-19.
It’s time to restore transparency and public trust through an independent investigation.
Act Now America: Ask Key Congressmen To Formally Investigate the CDC’s Conduct During COVID-19
Your voice matters; stand with us to demand transparency.
Hr 4980 👎🏻
Here is a bill that should raise concern.
To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that any individual traveling on a flight that departs from or arrives to an airport inside the United States or a territory of the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and for other purposes.
How to voice your opinion about this bill - call or write your local representative:
Hr 2657 👍🏻
Passport Act
To prohibit Federal funds from being used to develop, implement, support, or endorse vaccine passports.
“This Act may be cited as the Protecting Americans Safety, Security, and Privacy Over Repressive Tyranny Act” or the “Passport Act”.
How to voice your opinion about this bill - call or write your local representative:
Hr 1473 👍🏻
Vaccine Transparency Act of 2021
To require the Commissioner of Food and Drugs and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to report to Congress all serious adverse events that are reported to such agencies in connection with administration of a COVID–19 vaccine, and for other purposes.
How to voice your opinion about this bill - call or write your local representative:
HR 2317 👍🏻
We Will Not Comply Act
To provide that United States citizens may not be discriminated against based on their COVID–19 vaccination status, and for other purposes.
How to voice your opinion about this bill - call or write your local representative:
HR 2384 👍🏻
No Vaccine Passports Act
To prohibit agencies from issuing vaccine passports, and for other purposes.
An agency may not issue a vaccine passport, vaccine pass, or other standardized documentation for the purpose of certifying the COVID–19 vaccination status of a citizen of the United States to a third party, or otherwise publish or share any COVID–19 vaccination record of a citizen of the United States, or similar health information.
How to voice your opinion about this bill - call or write your local representative:
S 2686 👍🏻
No Vaccine Mandates Act of 2021
To prohibit vaccination mandates for COVID–19.
It shall be unlawful to require any United States person to receive a vaccine that has only received authorization by the Food and Drug Administration through an emergency use authorization pursuant to section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
How to voice your opinion about this bill - call or write your local representative:
ca voting!
For all future California voting, it’s important you go vote in person. As I’m sure everyone is aware, the recall election last year had some serious issues with fraudulent ballots. Keep your eyes out for what bills are being voted on in Sacramento. Call your representatives and let your voice be heard!
To find your polling place: